Going Beyond Traditional Firewall & Content Filtering to Provide Comprehensive Web Traffic Security

One wrong click of a mouse by one of your employees can give cybercriminals access to your critical workflow and data. With that unfettered access, they can do anything from stealing confidential information to installing ransomware on your systems.

Our cybersecurity professionals leverage the latest in web protection tools, bringing both proactive and adaptive functionality to protect your employees’ online working experience.

What is Web Protection?

Web protection is a layer of security that complements and goes beyond traditional content filtering,
antivirus, and firewalls, helping keep your employees safe and productive as they browse the web. With
the help of our web traffic security specialists, web protection gives you granular control of the websites
your employees can access, improving overall security and workplace efficiency

  • Set web-filtering policies
  • Determine website blocklists
  • Create time- and content-based browsing policies
  • Provision different web filtering profiles for varying workplace roles

Isn’t Content Filtering and Firewall Enough?

No. Spurious websites are popping up by the thousands every day. Content filtering and firewall
are important and have their place in the IT security toolbox, but they don’t provide full web
traffic protection for your business.

How We Use Web Protection to Help Keep You Safe

  • Blocking malicious sites
  • Protecting against malware downloads, phishing, adware, botnets, and spam threats
  • Monitoring web traffic with automated checks and alerts
  • Updating the threat intelligence continually for the most up to date protective data
  • Blocking content that is inappropriate for the workplace in accordance with your HR policies
  • Limiting access to social media sites during work hours
  • Guarding web traffic on networks utilized by visitors and clients

The Threats Keep Evolving. Are Web Protection Services Part of Your Cybersecurity Toolbox?

There are many things in business that are beyond your control, but the security of your web
traffic doesn’t have to be one of those things. By partnering with our team, you gain the ability
to determine what websites your employees and network visitors can access, dramatically
improving your overall cybersecurity posture.

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